Land O' Lakes Baseball League

Regular Season Stats (Leaders) - 2017

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Note: A minimum of 25 plate appearances are needed to qualify for calculated batting statistics.
Batting Average AVG
Medium falls 025
Mike Mierow
1. Mike Mierow .414
2. Scott Booth .340
3. Dan Barwick .339
4. Kris Franzen .309
5. Curt Pryal .296
Plate Appearances PA
Medium extra large bulldogs logo
Dan Barwick
1. Dan Barwick 79
2. Randy Sobczyk 79
3. Mike Mierow 66
4. Kris Franzen 61
5. Curt Pryal 61
On-Base Percentage OBP
Medium falls 025
Mike Mierow
1. Mike Mierow .477
2. Dan Barwick .468
3. Scott Booth .458
4. Randy Sobczyk .380
5. Kris Franzen .377
On-Base plus Slugging Percentage OPS
Medium falls 025
Mike Mierow
1. Mike Mierow .994
2. Scott Booth .947
3. Dan Barwick .903
4. Randy Sobczyk .792
5. Kris Franzen .741
Slugging Percentage SLG
Medium falls 025
Mike Mierow
1. Mike Mierow .517
2. Scott Booth .489
3. Dan Barwick .435
4. Randy Sobczyk .412
5. Kris Franzen .364
Bases on Balls (Walks) BB
Medium extra large bulldogs logo
Dan Barwick
1. Dan Barwick 13
2. Randy Sobczyk 10
3. Scott Booth 9
4. Mike Mierow 7
5. Mike Jacobs 6
Sacrifice Hits (Bunts) SH
Medium extra large bulldogs logo
Dan Barwick
1. Dan Barwick 2
2. Mike Jacobs 1
3. Curt Pryal 1
4. Josh Lemke 1
5. Mike Mierow 1
Note: A minimum of 12 inning(s) pitched are needed to qualify for calculated pitching statistics.
Earned Run Average ERA
Medium falls 025
Mike Mierow
1. Mike Mierow 0.69
2. Matt Ausloos 0.90
3. Josh Lemke 1.69
4. Jonathan Keane 2.00
5. Greg Basthemer 2.89
Walks/Hits per Innings Pitched WHIP
Medium falls 025
Mike Mierow
1. Mike Mierow 0.85
2. Josh Lemke 0.94
3. Matt Ausloos 0.95
4. Jonathan Keane 0.97
5. Greg Basthemer 1.36
Innings Pitched IP
Medium falls 007
Greg Basthemer
1. Greg Basthemer 53.0
2. Jonathan Keane 36.0
3. Matt Ausloos 20.0
4. Josh Lemke 16.0
5. Mike Mierow 13.0